You are a house of prayer. You have been called to pray for your family, for your loved ones, your city and the whole world. In fact, when you pray all of Heaven stands at attention to hear the cries of your heart. When you pray, mountains move. Join us on this mission to declare every home, every dorm room, every car, every place our feet trend and every person to be a house of prayer. Your commitment to this movement is an agreement to partner with heaven and see that your life and the lives of the people around you be changed forever through the power of prayer.

Pray in Your House
Pray for Your Village
Pray with Jubilee

All these I will bring to My holy mountain.
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
will be accepted on My altar;
For My house will be called a house of prayer
for all the peoples.

Commitment #1
Pray for Your Household
This commitment calls for you to pray for everyone in your house/family at least once a week. Cover your spouse/future, your children, their future spouses, your parents or maybe you live with extended family. If you’re not sure what to pray for, think about using this as a conversation starter. Simply ask the people in your house, “What are you believing in God for right now?” and use their answer as a starting point.

Commitment #2
Cover the Community
Collect prayer requests from friends, family, coworkers, or classmates -- anyone you see! You can do this by sending a simple text, posting it on social media, writing a letter. Whatever method works best for you! Ask them what they are in need of and set aside time during the week to pray for them at least once a week

Commitment #3
Join Jubilee for Morning Prayer
Morning prayer is a practice that requires discipline but once you commit to this practice, you will see growth in your spiritual life and faith in the power of prayer.You can join our prayer team online Monday through Friday from 6am to 7am, in-person on Friday from 6am-7am at Jubilee Boston or Saturdays from 7am to 8am.

When you commit to being a House of Prayer, you are committing to pray without ceasing. We will pray until we see what we have heard. Until knowledge of the Glory of the Lord covers the earth like the waters cover the seas. Remember that as you pray for others, your Jubilee family is praying for you.
Sleep Prayer
Written by: Pastor Matthew K Thompson 12/2021
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this day that you have blessed me with. Today, You may have tried to get my attention, but I was distracted by the things of the world or preoccupied by the concerns of my day. Forgive me for not listening to You today. As I prepare to go to sleep, Lord, I give You permission to speak to me in my sleep. Speak to me through dreams, visions, ideas, concepts, strategies and bless me with a restful sleep. While I am in my subconscious state, will You restore my soul and cleanse me of all unrighteousness, I recognize that I need You. If I am sick, heal me in my sleep. If I am suffering with any anxiety, deliver me in my sleep. Cause me to wake up refreshed, alert and prepared for a day that I will devote to You in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Use the form below to submit your prayer request.